Airframe Total Time-3586 Hours Since New
Engine- 1437 Hours Since Manituck Overhaul, (2000hr TBO)
Propeller- 1437 Hours since Overhaul, McCauley 3-Blade
Exterior- Overall White with Chocolate Brown and Tan Striping
Interior- King Ranch Leather, None Like it, Exquisite
Annual Inspection- January 2020
1-Garmin GNS 430W GPS, Nav/Com
1-Garmin SL-30 Nav/Com
1-Garmin GMA 340 Audio Panel
1-Garmin GMX 200 Multi Function Display
1-Garmin GTX 330ES Transponder W/ADSB Out
1-NSD 360 Slaved HSI (fresh Overhaul)
1-Century 2000 Autopilot coupled w/Alt Hold & GPSS Steering
Garmin GDL-69 A WX Weather Receiver
Wheel Pants
Polished Spinner
Wing Tip Strobes
Factory Oxygen
External Power Receptacle
LED Landing Lights
JPI EDM-930 Primary Engine Monitor
Rosen Visors
Astro Tech Chronometer
Vertical card Compass
This Beautiful 182 is No Damage, has all Logs.